Dug out the two forsythia bushes today. Added new topsoil and mulch. Centred euonymous on a standard plant between the two crabapple trees. Put the juniper and red wine weigela into the ground. Will probably dig them back up in the spring for replanting at the front of the house. The interlock bricks are there to prevent the mulch from washing off during rain storms.
Moved the two remaining ghost weigelas behind the barbeque. Will keep them maintained to a height just below the window sill. Roses are still coming up nicely so late in the season. Need to prune back the Henry Hudson roses. This planting bed is now complete.
euonymous on a standard featured front and center. cost of plant: five bucks, what!
placed another euonymous on a standard in the existing lily patch. thanks juen.
endless summer hydrangeas and japanese pieris. expecting the hydrangeas to get quite large.
lots of colour from the fall mums.
ripped out the old silverleaf dogwood and a hosta that wasn't doing so well. planted a euonymous on a standard and a japanese pieris in it's place. looks much cleaner now. great fall colours on the spireas.
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